Customize theme


Change text direction

To switch the text direction of your webpage from LTR to RTL, please consult the detailed instructions provided in the relevant section of our documentation.
Border width, px
Rounding, rem

To apply the provided styles to your webpage, enclose them within a <style> tag and insert this tag into the <head> section of your HTML document after the following link to the main stylesheet:
<link href="assets/css/theme.min.css">


Color modes (Light/Dark)

Cartzilla supports both Light and Dark color modes (commonly referred to as themes). Users can seamlessly switch between these modes using the theme switcher. However, there may be instances when:

  1. You require only one mode, either Light or Dark.
  2. You want the Dark mode to be the default setting.

Let's explore these scenarios in detail and discuss how to effectively manage them.

Only Light mode, removing Dark mode entirely

  1. Clear browser local storage: Begin by clearing the browser's local storage to remove any saved theme variables. In the Chrome browser, this can be done through the Application panel.
    Chrome local storage
  2. Remove mode-switching code: Remove the link to the mode-switching JavaScript code from the <head> section of your HTML document. Refer to the code snippet below for guidance.
    <!-- Theme switcher (color modes) -->
    <script src="assets/js/theme-switcher.js"></script>
  3. Remove theme switcher markup: Delete the theme (color mode) switcher markup from the navbar. See the code snippet below for details.
    <!-- Theme switcher (light/dark/auto) -->
    <div class="dropdown">
      <button type="button" class="theme-switcher btn btn-icon btn-secondary fs-lg rounded-circle animate-scale" data-bs-toggle="dropdown" data-bs-display="dynamic" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Toggle theme (light)">
        <span class="theme-icon-active d-flex animate-target">
          <i class="ci-sun"></i>
      <ul class="dropdown-menu start-50 translate-middle-x" style="--cz-dropdown-min-width: 9rem; --cz-dropdown-spacer: .5rem">
          <button type="button" class="dropdown-item active" data-bs-theme-value="light" aria-pressed="true">
            <span class="theme-icon d-flex fs-base me-2">
              <i class="ci-sun"></i>
            <span class="theme-label">Light</span>
            <i class="item-active-indicator ci-check ms-auto"></i>
          <button type="button" class="dropdown-item" data-bs-theme-value="dark" aria-pressed="false">
            <span class="theme-icon d-flex fs-base me-2">
              <i class="ci-moon"></i>
            <span class="theme-label">Dark</span>
            <i class="item-active-indicator ci-check ms-auto"></i>
          <button type="button" class="dropdown-item" data-bs-theme-value="auto" aria-pressed="false">
            <span class="theme-icon d-flex fs-base me-2">
              <i class="ci-auto"></i>
            <span class="theme-label">Auto</span>
            <i class="item-active-indicator ci-check ms-auto"></i>
  4. Disable dark mode styles: Set the $enable-dark-mode variable to false inside src/scss/_user-variables.scss. Once compiled, the CSS will no longer include dark mode styles.

Only Dark mode, disabling the Light mode option

  1. Clear browser local storage: Begin by clearing the browser's local storage to remove any saved theme variables. In the Chrome browser, this can be done through the Application panel. Chrome local storage
  2. Set default to dark mode: Set the data-bs-theme attribute to "dark" on the <html> tag to ensure the webpage loads in dark mode by default.
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en" data-bs-theme="dark">
  3. Remove mode-switching code: Remove the link to the mode-switching JavaScript code from the <head> section of your HTML document. Refer to the code snippet below for guidance.
    <!-- Theme switcher (color modes) -->
    <script src="assets/js/theme-switcher.js"></script>
  4. Remove theme switcher markup: Delete the theme (color mode) switcher markup from the navbar. See the code snippet below for details.
    <!-- Theme switcher (light/dark/auto) -->
    <div class="dropdown">
      <button type="button" class="theme-switcher btn btn-icon btn-secondary fs-lg rounded-circle animate-scale" data-bs-toggle="dropdown" data-bs-display="dynamic" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Toggle theme (light)">
        <span class="theme-icon-active d-flex animate-target">
          <i class="ci-sun"></i>
      <ul class="dropdown-menu start-50 translate-middle-x" style="--cz-dropdown-min-width: 9rem; --cz-dropdown-spacer: .5rem">
          <button type="button" class="dropdown-item active" data-bs-theme-value="light" aria-pressed="true">
            <span class="theme-icon d-flex fs-base me-2">
              <i class="ci-sun"></i>
            <span class="theme-label">Light</span>
            <i class="item-active-indicator ci-check ms-auto"></i>
          <button type="button" class="dropdown-item" data-bs-theme-value="dark" aria-pressed="false">
            <span class="theme-icon d-flex fs-base me-2">
              <i class="ci-moon"></i>
            <span class="theme-label">Dark</span>
            <i class="item-active-indicator ci-check ms-auto"></i>
          <button type="button" class="dropdown-item" data-bs-theme-value="auto" aria-pressed="false">
            <span class="theme-icon d-flex fs-base me-2">
              <i class="ci-auto"></i>
            <span class="theme-label">Auto</span>
            <i class="item-active-indicator ci-check ms-auto"></i>

Setting Dark mode as the default

  1. Clear browser local storage: Begin by clearing the browser's local storage to remove any saved theme variables. In the Chrome browser, this can be done through the Application panel. Chrome local storage
  2. Set default to dark mode: Set the data-bs-theme attribute to "dark" on the <html> tag to ensure the webpage loads in dark mode by default.
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en" data-bs-theme="dark">
  3. Update theme switcher markup: Modify the theme (color mode) switcher markup slightly to ensure that dark mode is selected by default. Refer to the code snippet below for guidance.
    <!-- Theme switcher (light/dark/auto). Set "dark" by default -->
    <div class="dropdown">
      <button type="button" class="theme-switcher btn btn-icon btn-secondary fs-lg rounded-circle animate-scale" data-bs-toggle="dropdown" data-bs-display="dynamic" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Toggle theme (dark)">
        <span class="theme-icon-active d-flex animate-target">
          <i class="ci-moon"></i>
      <ul class="dropdown-menu start-50 translate-middle-x" style="--cz-dropdown-min-width: 9rem; --cz-dropdown-spacer: .5rem">
          <button type="button" class="dropdown-item" data-bs-theme-value="light" aria-pressed="false">
            <span class="theme-icon d-flex fs-base me-2">
              <i class="ci-sun"></i>
            <span class="theme-label">Light</span>
            <i class="item-active-indicator ci-check ms-auto"></i>
          <button type="button" class="dropdown-item active" data-bs-theme-value="dark" aria-pressed="true">
            <span class="theme-icon d-flex fs-base me-2">
              <i class="ci-moon"></i>
            <span class="theme-label">Dark</span>
            <i class="item-active-indicator ci-check ms-auto"></i>
          <button type="button" class="dropdown-item" data-bs-theme-value="auto" aria-pressed="false">
            <span class="theme-icon d-flex fs-base me-2">
              <i class="ci-auto"></i>
            <span class="theme-label">Auto</span>
            <i class="item-active-indicator ci-check ms-auto"></i>
  4. Update default mode in theme switcher JS code: Modify the assets/js/theme-switcher.js file to set "dark" mode as the default. This change ensures that the website initializes in dark mode when first loaded. Refer to the code snippet below for guidance.
    * Switch between light and dark themes (color modes)
    * Copyright 2024 Createx Studio
    ;(() => {
      'use strict'
      const getStoredTheme = () => localStorage.getItem('theme')
      const setStoredTheme = (theme) => localStorage.setItem('theme', theme)
      const getPreferredTheme = () => {
        const storedTheme = getStoredTheme()
        if (storedTheme) {
          return storedTheme
        // Set default theme to 'dark'.
        // Possible options: 'light' or system color mode (window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches ? 'dark' : 'light')
        return 'dark'
      // ... rest of the code
Top Customize