Display customer feedback with ratings, enhancing credibility and informing potential buyers.
Product review: Variant 1
- Color: Purple
- Model: 128GB
The iPhone 14 is nothing short of exceptional, combining cutting-edge technology with a design that continues to set the standard for premium smartphones. That's why it deserves a perfect 5-star rating.
- Pros: Unparalleled performance, great camera, stunning design
- Cons: No in my opinion
Thank you for your feedback! We are glad that you were satisfied with your purchase :)
<!-- Product review -->
<div class="border-top border-bottom py-3">
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<div class="text-nowrap me-3">
<span class="h6 mb-0">Andrew Richards</span>
<i class="ci-check-circle text-success align-middle ms-1" data-bs-toggle="tooltip" data-bs-custom-class="tooltip-sm" title="Verified customer"></i>
<span class="text-body-secondary fs-sm ms-auto">May 7, 2024</span>
<div class="d-flex gap-1 fs-sm pb-2 mb-1">
<i class="ci-star-filled text-warning"></i>
<i class="ci-star-filled text-warning"></i>
<i class="ci-star-filled text-warning"></i>
<i class="ci-star-filled text-warning"></i>
<i class="ci-star-filled text-warning"></i>
<ul class="list-inline gap-2 pb-2 mb-1">
<li class="fs-sm me-4"><span class="text-dark-emphasis fw-medium">Color:</span> Purple</li>
<li class="fs-sm"><span class="text-dark-emphasis fw-medium">Model:</span> 128GB</li>
<p class="fs-sm">The iPhone 14 is nothing short of exceptional, combining cutting-edge technology with a design that continues to set the standard for premium smartphones. That's why it deserves a perfect 5-star rating.</p>
<ul class="list-unstyled fs-sm pb-2 mb-1">
<li><span class="text-dark-emphasis fw-medium">Pros:</span> Unparalleled performance, great camera, stunning design</li>
<li><span class="text-dark-emphasis fw-medium">Cons:</span> No in my opinion</li>
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<span class="badge bg-primary me-2">Reply</span>
<span class="h6 mb-0 me-4">Cartzilla Company</span>
<span class="text-body-secondary fs-sm">May 8, 2024</span>
<p class="fs-sm mb-0">Thank you for your feedback! We are glad that you were satisfied with your purchase :)</p>
Product review: Variant 2
While the design of the chair is nice and it does add a touch of retro vibe to my space, I found the quality to be lacking. After just a few weeks of use, one of the legs started to wobble, and the seat isn't as comfortable as I had hoped. Disappointed with the durability. Additionally, the assembly process was a bit frustrating as some of the screws didn't align properly with the holes, requiring extra effort to secure them in place. Overall, while it looks good, I expected better quality for the price.
<!-- Product review -->
<div class="border-top border-bottom py-4">
<div class="row py-sm-2">
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<div class="d-flex h6 mb-2">
Bessie Cooper
<i class="ci-check-circle text-success mt-1 ms-2" data-bs-toggle="tooltip" data-bs-custom-class="tooltip-sm" title="Verified customer"></i>
<div class="fs-sm mb-2 mb-md-3">April 8, 2024</div>
<div class="d-flex gap-1 fs-sm">
<i class="ci-star-filled text-body-emphasis"></i>
<i class="ci-star-filled text-body-emphasis"></i>
<i class="ci-star text-body-tertiary opacity-75"></i>
<i class="ci-star text-body-tertiary opacity-75"></i>
<i class="ci-star text-body-tertiary opacity-75"></i>
<div class="col-md-8 col-lg-9">
<p class="mb-md-4">While the design of the chair is nice and it does add a touch of retro vibe to my space, I found the quality to be lacking. After just a few weeks of use, one of the legs started to wobble, and the seat isn't as comfortable as I had hoped. Disappointed with the durability. Additionally, the assembly process was a bit frustrating as some of the screws didn't align properly with the holes, requiring extra effort to secure them in place. Overall, while it looks good, I expected better quality for the price.</p>
<div class="d-sm-flex justify-content-between">
<div class="d-flex align-items-center fs-sm fw-medium text-dark-emphasis pb-2 pb-sm-0 mb-1 mb-sm-0">
<i class="ci-close fs-base me-1" style="margin-top: .125rem"></i>
No, I don't recommend this product
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Inside card: Variant 1

Alexandra D.
A wonderful compact bag, holds a lot of things, good tailoring, smooth seams, strong fittings, good quality.
<!-- Review inside card: Variant 1 -->
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<img src="assets/img/home/fashion/v1/reviews/02.png" width="80" alt="Image">
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<i class="ci-star-filled text-warning"></i>
<i class="ci-star-filled text-warning"></i>
<i class="ci-star-filled text-warning"></i>
<h3 class="h6 mb-0">Alexandra D.</h3>
<p class="mb-0">A wonderful compact bag, holds a lot of things, good tailoring, smooth seams, strong fittings, good quality.</p>
Inside card: Variant 2
Perfect for daily use!
I bought the metallic blue bottle, and it has quickly become my go-to for everything! It keeps my water cold all day, even during my long shifts at work. Absolutely love it 🤩
<!-- Review inside card: Variant 2 -->
<div class="card bg-transparent border-0 rounded-5 shadow overflow-hidden p-xl-2">
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<i class="ci-star-filled"></i>
<i class="ci-star-filled"></i>
<i class="ci-star-filled"></i>
<h3 class="h5 pb-2 mb-1">Perfect for daily use!</h3>
<p class="mb-0">I bought the metallic blue bottle, and it has quickly become my go-to for everything! It keeps my water cold all day, even during my long shifts at work. Absolutely love it 🤩</p>
<div class="card-footer position-relative z-1 d-flex align-items-center bg-transparent border-0 py-4">
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<img src="assets/img/home/single-product/reviews/ava01.jpg" alt="Avatar">
<div class="fs-sm ps-2 ms-1">
<div class="fw-semibold text-dark-emphasis">Jenny Wilson</div>
<div>Freshness Bottle</div>
<span class="position-absolute top-0 start-0 w-100 h-100 bg-white d-none-dark"></span>
<span class="position-absolute top-0 start-0 w-100 h-100 bg-white d-none d-block-dark" style="opacity: .08"></span>
Rating breakdown
<div class="row g-4">
<div class="col-sm-5 col-md-3">
<!-- Overall rating card -->
<div class="d-flex flex-column align-items-center justify-content-center h-100 bg-body-tertiary rounded p-4">
<div class="h1 pb-2 mb-1">4.1</div>
<div class="hstack justify-content-center gap-1 fs-sm mb-2">
<i class="ci-star-filled text-warning"></i>
<i class="ci-star-filled text-warning"></i>
<i class="ci-star-filled text-warning"></i>
<i class="ci-star-filled text-warning"></i>
<i class="ci-star text-body-tertiary opacity-60"></i>
<div class="fs-sm">68 reviews</div>
<div class="col-sm-7 col-md-9">
<!-- Rating breakdown by quantity -->
<div class="vstack gap-3">
<!-- 5 stars -->
<div class="hstack gap-2">
<div class="hstack fs-sm gap-1">
5<i class="ci-star-filled text-warning"></i>
<div class="progress w-100" role="progressbar" aria-label="Five stars" aria-valuenow="54" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" style="height: 4px">
<div class="progress-bar bg-warning rounded-pill" style="width: 54%"></div>
<div class="fs-sm text-nowrap text-end" style="width: 40px;">37</div>
<!-- 4 stars -->
<div class="hstack gap-2">
<div class="hstack fs-sm gap-1">
4<i class="ci-star-filled text-warning"></i>
<div class="progress w-100" role="progressbar" aria-label="Four stars" aria-valuenow="23.5" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" style="height: 4px">
<div class="progress-bar bg-warning rounded-pill" style="width: 23.5%"></div>
<div class="fs-sm text-nowrap text-end" style="width: 40px;">16</div>
<!-- 3 stars -->
<div class="hstack gap-2">
<div class="hstack fs-sm gap-1">
3<i class="ci-star-filled text-warning"></i>
<div class="progress w-100" role="progressbar" aria-label="Three stars" aria-valuenow="13" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" style="height: 4px">
<div class="progress-bar bg-warning rounded-pill" style="width: 13%"></div>
<div class="fs-sm text-nowrap text-end" style="width: 40px;">9</div>
<!-- 2 stars -->
<div class="hstack gap-2">
<div class="hstack fs-sm gap-1">
2<i class="ci-star-filled text-warning"></i>
<div class="progress w-100" role="progressbar" aria-label="Two stars" aria-valuenow="6" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" style="height: 4px">
<div class="progress-bar bg-warning rounded-pill" style="width: 6%"></div>
<div class="fs-sm text-nowrap text-end" style="width: 40px;">4</div>
<!-- 1 star -->
<div class="hstack gap-2">
<div class="hstack fs-sm gap-1">
1<i class="ci-star-filled text-warning"></i>
<div class="progress w-100" role="progressbar" aria-label="One star" aria-valuenow="3.5" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" style="height: 4px">
<div class="progress-bar bg-warning rounded-pill" style="width: 3.5%"></div>
<div class="fs-sm text-nowrap text-end" style="width: 40px;">3</div>