Customize theme


Change text direction

To switch the text direction of your webpage from LTR to RTL, please consult the detailed instructions provided in the relevant section of our documentation.
Border width, px
Rounding, rem

To apply the provided styles to your webpage, enclose them within a <style> tag and insert this tag into the <head> section of your HTML document after the following link to the main stylesheet:
<link href="assets/css/theme.min.css">

Cartzilla component

Image comparison slider

JavaScript based slider component that can be used to demonstrate the difference between two images.

The image comparison slider functionality depends on a img-comparison-slider plugin. Ensure that you include links to the plugin's CSS and JavaScript files in your document.

CSS file is linked in the <head> section and above theme.min.css reference in your document:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/vendor/img-comparison-slider/dist/styles.css">

JavaScript file is linked before the closing </body> tag and above theme.min.js reference in your document:

<script src="assets/vendor/img-comparison-slider/dist/index.js"></script>


Image before
Image after
<!-- Horizontal (default) image comparison slider -->
<img-comparison-slider class="focus-none text-white rounded-4" style="--divider-width: .125rem; --divider-color: currentColor">
  <figure slot="first">
    <img src="assets/img/docs/image-comparison-slider/before.jpg" alt="Image before">
    <figcaption class="badge position-absolute top-50 start-0 translate-middle-y fs-sm bg-white text-dark rounded px-3 py-2 ms-3 ms-sm-4">Before</figcaption>
  <figure slot="second">
    <img src="assets/img/docs/image-comparison-slider/after.jpg" alt="Image after">
    <figcaption class="badge position-absolute top-50 end-0 translate-middle-y fs-sm bg-white text-dark rounded px-3 py-2 me-3 me-sm-4">After</figcaption>
  <div slot="handle" style="width: 42px">
    <svg class="text-white border border-dark rounded-circle" width="42" height="42" viewBox="0 0 42 42" xmlns="">
        <circle fill="currentColor" cx="21" cy="21" r="21"></circle>
      <path fill="#222934" d="M25.5019 19.7494H15.9147V15.9146L11.1211 20.7081L15.9147 25.5017V21.6669H25.5019V25.5017L30.2955 20.7081L25.5019 15.9146V19.7494Z"></path>


Image before
Image after
<!-- Vertical image comparison slider -->
<img-comparison-slider direction="vertical" class="focus-none text-white rounded-4" style="--divider-width: .125rem; --divider-color: currentColor">
  <figure slot="first">
    <img src="assets/img/docs/image-comparison-slider/before.jpg" alt="Image before">
    <figcaption class="badge position-absolute top-0 start-50 translate-middle-x fs-sm bg-white text-dark rounded px-3 py-2 mt-3 mt-sm-4">Before</figcaption>
  <figure slot="second">
    <img src="assets/img/docs/image-comparison-slider/after.jpg" alt="Image after">
    <figcaption class="badge position-absolute bottom-0 start-50 translate-middle-x fs-sm bg-white text-dark rounded px-3 py-2 mb-3 mb-sm-4">After</figcaption>
  <div slot="handle" style="width: 42px">
    <svg class="text-white border border-dark rounded-circle" width="42" height="42" viewBox="0 0 42 42" xmlns="">
        <circle fill="currentColor" cx="21" cy="21" r="21"></circle>
      <path fill="#222934" d="M25.5019 19.7494H15.9147V15.9146L11.1211 20.7081L15.9147 25.5017V21.6669H25.5019V25.5017L30.2955 20.7081L25.5019 15.9146V19.7494Z"></path>
Top Customize